Weed & Whiskey

9.5 Shots In. Things Can’t Be Bad Right?

Episode Notes

Oshane took 9 And half shots of some bourbon, Elijah Craig to be specific. And that shit put him on his ass. Honestly not sure how he even made it through that night. The next day he had absolutely no idea what was said or done but he regretted none. Nor is he embarrassed. It was absolutely comedic gold, regardless of what anybody else says because they most likely laughed while listen. Lol btw, the crackhead joke, lol it was literally just a joke so don’t take it serious. Lol just laugh at the stupidity. Lol laugh at my laugh because the high pitched squeal of a laugh Oshane was doing was like “wtf”. This man laughed till he cried. Lol so we apologize for having to bare with that this episode. Lol but it was too stupid and trash of an episode not to release. We are still humans lol we can be the fool too.